Banditella Rosso di Montalcino

Banditella Rosso di Montalcino

Vendemmia 2002


Zona di produzione:
Montalcino - Siena - Sant'Angelo in Colle. Hilly lands of Eocene origin enjoying a favourable southern exposition which grants the vineyards with the blessing of the sun rays the whole day long.

Banditella is a recent vineyard where clones of Sangiovese, that have been selected over the past 10 years, provide the basis for one of the most excellent expressions of Brunello di Montalcino. Average height above sea level of 300 mt. Manual harvest with rigorous selection of the bunches.

Andamento climatico:
Cold winter, spring and beginning of summer with few rainfalls. Temperatures higher in June than in July. From the beginning of August to the end of Autumn frequent rainfalls. Repeated green harvests and accurate selection of the grapes have allowed the production of high quality fruity wines.

Medium-long maceration in short and wide tanks at temperatures which never rise above 28° C in order to preserve a fresh and long-living fruit. Two daily pumpings over combined with 2 "délestages" on the 3rd and the 5th days of fermentation give an efficient, but delicate extraction of colour and tannins.

Immediately after the separation from the skin, the wine is transferred into new barriques (oak from Allier, Fontainbleau and Blois) where the malolactic fermentation takes place. The wine refines in barriques for over one year.

Dati Organolettici

Dense ruby red, with youthful violethints.

The great intense and typical Sangiovesefruit (blackberries and raspberries) iselegantly balanced by the noble spicesderiving from the refinement in barrique.

The fullness and the elegance of the massivestructure is given by a considerablequantity of noble tannins. The aftertaste iscaressed by the oak that enhances thevarietal fruit.


Acidità totale:
5.5 g/l

Temperatura di servizio:
18° C

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